Monthly Writing Check-In Questions That Work

Monthly Writing Check-In Questions That Work

Here are some monthly writing check-in questions to help reflect on your progress and set intentions for the month ahead:

Reflection on the Past Month:

  1. What writing goals did you achieve last month?
  2. What challenges or obstacles did you encounter in your writing?
  3. Did you experiment with any new writing techniques or styles? How did it go?
  4. What feedback did you receive on your writing? How did it influence your work?
  5. How did your writing practice affect your overall creativity and mood?

Goal Setting for the Coming Month:

  1. What are your top three writing goals for this month?
  2. Are there any specific writing projects you want to focus on?
  3. What new writing techniques or styles would you like to explore?
  4. How will you structure your writing time to ensure consistent progress?
  5. What resources (books, workshops, tools) will you seek out to support your writing?
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Creative Growth:

  1. What topics or themes are currently inspiring you?
  2. How can you push your creative boundaries this month?
  3. What role does reading play in your writing process? How can you incorporate it more?
  4. How do you plan to stay motivated and overcome writer's block?
  5. Who or what could you connect with this month to enhance your writing journey (mentors, peers, communities)?

Personal Reflection:

  1. How does your writing reflect your current personal experiences or thoughts?
  2. What emotions or messages are you hoping to convey through your writing this month?
  3. How do you measure success in your writing practice?
  4. What habits do you want to establish or improve to support your writing?
  5. How will you celebrate your writing achievements, big or small?

These questions can help you maintain focus, stay motivated, and continue growing as a writer throughout the year.

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